Owners InformationWhat is the first and last name of the pet's owner in the USA?What is the current address pet is residing? (NO PO BOX ALLOWED)What is the address of the pet in the USA? Please include City, State and Zip code:What is the phone number, email address, and ID information of the owner?How many pets are you traveling with?What airport are you flying out of?What is the first and last name of the person who will be responsible for your pet at the selected destination?Please state your destination country?What airport and airline are you flying into?Arriving date/time?What is the address of the destination where you will be staying?Phone number where the owner can be contacted during your stay (destination)?Is your trip one way or round trip? Airlines name? And flight number?What is your estimated departure date/time? MM slash DD slash YYYY Will you have any layovers or will your flight be non-stop? If you have any layovers, please specify.Will your pet be on the same airplane as you or are you shipping your pet?Will your pet be in the cabin with you or in cargo?Pets InformationWhat is the name of your pet, date of birth, species,microchipped #?Please attach your pet's microchip information if your pet is not current with us.Max. file size: 256 MB.Does your pet have a current rabies vaccine?Please upload/bring your pet's rabies certificate/vaccination information.Max. file size: 256 MB.Has your pet ever had a rabies titer before? Please upload/bring your pet's rabies titer results if you have them.I, the owner, understand that each destination country has different requirements for my pet’s entry and I am responsible for supplying the list of requirements that need to be met for traveling. Lone Tree Animal Care cannot assume responsibility for ensuring that all the requirements are met for my particular situation and cannot be held responsible for quarantine, denial of entry, or costs incurred due to unfulfilled requirements for my pet.Owner Signature(Required)I, the owner, am responsible for reviewing airline requirements for pet travel and notifying Lone Tree Animal Care if there are additional requirements that need to be met. This includes: Travel carrier requirements, Location of pet in plane, Sedation policy, and Health certificate/vaccine/parasite control requirementsOwner Signature(Required)I, the owner, have reviewed and understand the requirements needed for my pet to travel internationally or to Hawaii. I understand that I am responsible for all costs associated with requirements needed per the USDA and airline or sea travel and will pay for services promptly upon completion. I understand that I am responsible for all travel documents that are needed. I also understand that Lone Tree Animal Care will do their best to obtain the necessary documentation however, they are not liable for any quarantine, denial of entry, or costs incurred due to unfulfilled requirements for my pet. Owner Signature(Required)